by Xodyak Xodyak No Comments

Steps to Implementing an Effective Business Continuity Plan

Most probably, emergencies, business systems failure, calamities, among other risky events, are not part of the things you think about and plan for as an entrepreneur. That is part of the reasons why man-made and natural disasters can bring down even the most successful entities. Such disasters include disease outbreaks, floods, cyberattacks, hurricanes, and fires, which can wreak havoc on firms. For that reason, implementing a business continuity plan as well as ensuring that it remains up-to-date is not an option in this case.

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by Xodyak Xodyak No Comments

Cloud Strategy: Its Importance and Steps of Implementation

Cloud computing is revolutionizing different businesses across multiple industries on many levels. With cloud technology, businesses and even individuals can easily access computer files, tools, and other data stored in a remote site. Organizations and individuals can cut down on the overall computing costs and work with less computing power by keeping the applications and data on remote servers. This article discusses the importance of implementing a solid cloud strategy for an effective cloud computing solution.

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by Xodyak Xodyak No Comments

The Importance of Conducting IT and Network Security Audits

Indeed, your business website is an asset, but it can also become your most significant vulnerability. That implies that your effort to promote your business online and generate traffic can go up in flames if you do not guard against IT security threats. The problem with network security risks is that there may be underlying issues you remain unaware of until you suffer damage. Identifying the improvements you need to make, as well as what is not working within your network infrastructure, is possible when you conduct a network security audit. That way, you can address issues proactively. And enhance productivity within your enterprise.

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by Xodyak Xodyak No Comments

Benefits Fractional CIO Offer Businesses That Managed Services Don’t

There is a very high demand for fractional CIO services in the US. The small business market is in dire need of better technology-based strategies to run more efficiently.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has projected a consistent growth of CIO career jobs by as much as 32% by 2028. This career guide on Enterprises Project lists CIOs as among the highest paid technology professionals in the consultancy industry in 2020.

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by Xodyak Xodyak No Comments

Are You Ready for the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC)?

In the last decade, there has been an increase in the number and severity of cyberattacks. Contrary to what many would think, even large corporations and state agencies are susceptible to such threats. According to a report by the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), a think tank, there have been hundreds of attacks on U.S. state agencies, including the Department of Defense (DoD). Previously, contractors servicing the DoD were allowed to conduct self-certification and assessment. However, in light of the increasing threats, companies must now meet the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) requirements to bid on contracts.

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