Weaknesses in IT systems can compromise your mission, ruin your business, as well as lead to fines and penalties due to non-compliance. We offer a holistic security analysis and audit solution to pinpoint as well as eliminate faults that jeopardize network security, performance, and functionality.

Xodyak interviews your employees, performs security vulnerability scans, reviews operating system and application controls, as well as analyzes physical access to your IT systems. Let us establish an effective security program to tackle the gaps and weaknesses in your current systems and procedures.

An All-Inclusive Security Audit

Security audits are integral in identifying risks in any business. They also indicate whether your risk assessment and risk management strategies are viable.

Our security auditors at Xodyak are conversant with the risks associated with business types in various niches. We target people, processes, as well as technology for a thorough IT security audit.

Our audits go beyond your physical and logical boundaries to include your touchpoints with partners and third-party vendors. We can offer an all-inclusive security audit to uncover as well as rectify all vulnerabilities in your corporate system.

We’ll take a look at your overall network as it stands today and provide you with a complete report on our findings and recommendations to increase your security.

Our Security Audit Services

Your organization’s size and IT infrastructure can dictate the amount of time required to complete a security audit. An in-depth service sometimes takes more than one day.

Consider performing a comprehensive security audit at least once per year as part of your annual external review process. It reassures prospective and existing clients as well as investors that your business can handle the risks that might affect them adversely.

A security audit by Xodyak identifies the threats, risks, as well as vulnerabilities touching the following areas of your organization:

  • Data security
  • Governance
  • Risk management
  • Technical IT security controls
  • Physical security controls
  • Training and awareness
  • ISMS policies
  • Legal regulatory and contractual requirements
  • Business continuity and incident management
  • Third-party management
  • Secure development

At the end of a security audit, we issue you with a detailed report of the identified risks, threats, and vulnerabilities. We also recommend how to prioritize the weaknesses as well as suggest solutions.

Network Security

Xodyak can uncover whether outsiders can access your system without permission.

Cybercriminals regard network loopholes as high-value assets because they are excellent intrusion channels into a system. Since vulnerabilities are concealed, bad actors can stealthily penetrate your network. They can access and exploit sensitive data, steal identities and business secrets, as well as paralyze operations in your organization.

Xodyak can secure your business technology investments and prevent illegal entry into your network. Our automated solution helps identify network vulnerabilities, minimize security risks, track mediation, as well as generate reports necessary for IT regulatory compliance.

Proactive Network Security Strategy

With more reliance on the internet and interconnected devices, network security is more important than ever before. Our IT security solution comprises policies and practices to prevent unauthorized access, modification, network failure, as well as denial of network-accessible resources.

Our network security audit combines different testing methodologies that mimic a real-world cyberattack. We run these tests for a complete assessment of your corporate network:

  • External network vulnerability assessment
  • Internal network vulnerability assessment
  • Internal network security posture review
  • Business network penetration test
  • White box external network penetration test
  • Social engineering and phishing assessment
  • Email and spam filtering system review
  • Remote access security review
  • Firewall configuration evaluation

Relinquish your network security worries to Xodyak and concentrate on growing your business. We’ll work with you to create a proactive IT security strategy that averts the most destructive cyber threats in the modern world.

Some of the techniques we use to enhance your IT security include:

  • The principle of least privilege: Processes have no more than the access rights required to function
  • Defense in depth: A bad actor cannot compromise the integrity of the entire system by violating a single subcomponent
  • Audit trails: Advanced tracking of system activity by tracing various data sources and destinations
  • Multiple defensive security measures: A combination of firewalls, user account access, intrusion detection systems, as well as cryptography

Xodyak Compliance and Risk Assessment

We deploy an elaborate information management system (ISMS) that reduces risk and limits security breach impacts proactively to ensure business continuity. It integrates standard and organizational internet security controls into one solution that responds to threats in real-time.

Our ISMS covers the following IT security services:

  • Security audit for compliance with ISO 27001:2013
  • Preparation for ISO 27001:2013 certification
  • Gathering security management processes
  • Network vulnerability control system
  • IT incident control system
  • IT risk management system
  • Internal audit and compliance control
  • Asset management solution

ISO 27001 is the most recognized best practice framework for ISMS internationally. We can test your organization’s compliance as well as advise on how to improve any problem areas. Enhanced data protection capabilities will prevent breaches as well as boost customer trust and your brand reputation.


Team of diverse business owners having a meeting in an office about their business plans.

PCI DSS Compliance

If your company processes, stores, or transmits credit card information, you should comply with PCI DSS. The information security standard seeks to ensure that businesses handle cardholder information in a secure environment.

Xodyak offers a complete security audit as well as compliance services to ensure that your infrastructure follows PCI DSS. We implement all the necessary procedures to secure your payment system and qualify your organization for a certificate of compliance.

Our PCI DSS audit involves:

  • Defining the appropriate assessment area
  • Selective systems control within the assessment area
  • Interviewing your employees
  • Expert consultation with practical recommendations to align your business infrastructure with PCI DSS
  • Preparing you for compliance with PCI DSS
  • Creating organizational and administrative documentation
  • Designing robust security processes for cardholders’ data
  • Supply and installation of software and hardware for cardholders’ data protection
  • Supporting your company to maintain compliance with PCI DSS

Let us audit your system to reassure your customers that their cardholder data is safe. You’ll also avoid the fines that come with violations.

Information Security Solutions

We provide several network security solutions following an audit, depending on your security posture.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Solution

Get our world-class DLP service to avoid the exposure of your sensitive data to parties outside your organization. Our service prevents unauthorized use, copying, as well as transmission of confidential information through cutting-edge data protection measures.

We help you identify and classify sensitive information as well as develop access control lists (ACL). ACLs determine who accesses which resources and to what extent. We advise on the DLP services appropriate for your business and educate stakeholders on your policy.

VPN and Firewall

Another method for protecting your corporate digital assets is through virtual private networks (VPN) and firewalls. A VPN ensures data integrity and authenticity by providing your staff as well as partners with a secure channel to transmit information through the internet.

A firewall ensures a secure connection between your network and public networks. You can configure its security settings accordingly to control data flows as well as limit access to your network from the outside.

Xodyak can implement a firewall and VPN service from trusted vendors and advise on the best configuration settings.


Malware accounts for some of the most damaging and expensive cyber incidents like ransomware attacks. Xodyak can monitor malware activity across all possible virus attack channels, including email, network protocols, as well as external storage devices.

We assess your ability to avert viruses on your servers, workstations, as well as mobile devices. Our antimalware solution can keep your IT systems free of viruses, Trojans, worms, as well as unwanted programs like adware and spyware. You’ll stay on top of virus infections and treatment through automatic notifications.

Intrusion Prevention System

Our intrusion prevention system (IPS) tracks and reports all dataflows to and from your corporate network and blocks potential hazards. Your organization gains immunity against infiltration attempts.

We can deploy a reliable and cost-effective IPS to give you the confidence you need when using network-based resources.

Database Protection Solution

Databases store a lot of critical corporate data, which makes protecting them an IT priority. You should log user activity, monitor security vulnerabilities, as well as protect your database from intrusion to keep your data safe.

As cyber threats continue evolving, regular security audits are the best way to discover flaws and secure your system. Let us scrutinize your databases for security loopholes and vulnerabilities as well as offer an up-to-the-minute solution.

Xodyak Data Backup Solution

A cybercriminal can paralyze your business by stealing or destroying your data in a security breach incident. You don’t have to be a victim when you can back up your data. We can run a security audit, assess your disaster recovery plan, as well as recommend the best tools to back up your corporate data.

Why Work with Xodyak?

The Xodyak leadership has worked in the information security industry for at least three decades. Over the years, the company has supported small and medium-sized companies across Virginia with complete IT solutions focused on business growth.

We have the resources required to reveal all security gaps and non-compliance issues in your organization. We can help you design an effective risk management strategy to combat security threats or minimize their impact. Through security audits, Xodyak has helped organizations conduct internal investigations in times of anomalies or suspected misconduct.

Our security auditors have extensive knowledge of the security issues and regulatory requirements your business faces. After running the necessary tests, our experienced consultants offer expert advice on the essential steps to address the findings.

We provide an easy-to-read report documenting the audit results as well as realistic recommendations to mitigate risks.


Schedule a free consultation to discuss your IT security requirements with an expert.